
Pereslegin Sergey: The Anthropotype of the Man of the Future During the Phase Transition

Speaker: Pereslegin Sergey, Scientific Director of the “Sociosoft” Project, Director of the Knowledge Management Center of the International Research Institute of Advanced Systems (IRIAS)

Topic: The Anthropotype of the Man of the Future During the Phase Transition

The complex knot of interrelated problems that Russia and the entire world are facing today needs to be untangled neither from the standpoint of the economy, nor ecology, but from the standpoint of anthropology.

Now, society is faced with the “law of social development”, known as Wells's law, namely: The development of society and the development of personality are in opposite phases. Due to the division of labor, the requirements for personality are constantly decreasing and the requirements for its manageability are increasing, when an individual actually loses his intelligence, while society in general preserves it. Collective insects are a good example. A movement in this direction is what our “friends” in the West are trying to organize.

We will understand a generation as a group of people whose years of birth lie close. Consequently, “short generations” exist to resolve one social problem, while “long generations” change their goals in the course of their life. There are three types of orientations. One may focus on the past. Today this is often discussed in Russia, remembering the great ancestors. One may focus on the future, so that everything is done for the benefit of children.

However, there is also a third orientation, with a focus on the present, on friends and contemporaries, on those who were born together and keep on living together. The anthropotypes produced by the “long generation” and focused on their peers have a number of common features. First, they are excluded from the mechanisms of generic transmission. They are free from the bonds of national and cultural transmission, which makes them create their own short-lived culture without forming any traditions. They are not bound by ancestral, national, role, or other class restrictions. They are free. This is their strength and their inevitable tragedy at the same time. They do not depend on behavior patterns and, actually, introduce their own formats. The key thing is that if they have no time to solve a task assigned to them, they clone themselves into the next generation, with the transfer being from the grandfather to the grandchild, rather than from father to son. For them, the position of “wanderer”, “hero” or “social outcast” is preferable to the position of “heir”. They leave the myth of themselves to their heirs.

There were two Soviet generations. The first one constituted “contemporaries of the Bolshevik Revolution”, “burned down” during the Great Patriotic War (the Second World War). Their children are so-called “Sixtiers”. The first generation was cloned into the generation of the “Soviet anthropotype born in 1950-1970”, and it is also the so-called “Space generation”. This is the second generation, and it was “burned down” in the years of sweeping economic reforms (“perestroika”). The children of the second generation are ”the children of perestroika”.

Currently, the second generation is cloning itself into those born in 2010-2020. This means that we are going to see a very strong coherent generation that will live in a very interesting cultural environment created by all the previous periods and, at the same time, will not be immediately and directly connected with their parents. At a practical level, this means a sharp rise in interest in Space, since they will be cloned from the “Space generation”.
2024-03-27 11:56 Report