
Uskova Olga: AI as a decision-making instrument on issues of social and economic development in modern human society.

Speaker: Uskova Olga, Founder and President of Cognitive Technologies

Topic: AI as a decision-making instrument on issues of social and economic development in modern human society. The influence of AI on mass cognitive abilities of people. Transhumanism as a new religion or a dehumanization tool

Scientific work over the past 20 years has made Russia No. 1 in the world in the view of Stanford University and the MIT in terms of using artificial intelligence on vehicles such as tractors, combine harvesters, trams, etc. Thus, our company alone has about a billion of frames in its database. How can this be used in a good cause? Good question! However, this is already being used for bad causes, when the military get unauthorized access to a foreign database and blow up peaceful tractors working in the fields during hostilities.

Let’s apply this problem to a person who gets a chip implanted in order to know 50 languages. But what is going to happen if someone steals control over the chip? Moreover, the Pentagon is running a “Golem” program which assumes that AI will directly manage live soldiers. So, the next question is – how harmless is transhumanism? If we have to maintain military parity in this area, how far are we ready to go? It’s a question of life on Earth! For that reason, philosophers today must get out of their barrels and switch to combat mode. We live in a time of combat philosophy! A struggle to preserve this world is going on.
2024-03-27 12:02 Report