
Maslin Mikhail: The Eurasian Diversity of Russian Philosophy

Speaker: Maslin Mikhail, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of Section of History of Russian Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Lomonosov MSU

Topic: The Eurasian Diversity of Russian Philosophy

The Russian-Eurasian worldview canon as an organic combination of philosophical ideas and meanings that make up a dynamic set of values, images and concepts typical of Russia as a civilization state. The openness of this canon to other cultures and its focus on solving universal philosophical problems, not being limited only to its own ethnocultural features. The Russian worldview is open to developing its own and inheriting global philosophical traditions. Russian philosophy in its history is a historical and philosophical study of national history; it reflects and reads Russian reality and exists in a state of sociocultural conditionality in relation to it. This is what makes the Russian worldview canon unique and different from Roman-Germanic philosophical traditions. We are, of course, not talking about a static understanding of its content, which would assume the existence of a certain philosophical model equal to itself, reproduced in different philosophical periods with a particular consistency. The integral version of the Russian worldview canon shows it in the form of a holistic picture, reflecting all the main stages and all shades of Russian thought. It is important to emphasize that such an interpretation of the Russian world outlook also presupposes its understanding not as a thing of the past, but as a continuing phenomenon of philosophical culture, brought to the present day. The development of the Russian worldview canon in its history was characterized by interruptions of gradualism and attempts to restore what was lost, about which V.V. Zenkovsky wrote that “ history, as in nature, even if there are “leaps” and breaks, they do not cancel the past, – and the sharper and stronger these leaps, the clearer becomes the return to the past, the restoration of an integral historical flow”.
2024-03-27 11:18 Report