
Zhuravsky Alexander: The World Order of the Future: Values vs Technologies?

Speaker: Zhuravsky Alexander, PhD in Historical Sciences, PhD in Theology, Deputy Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Public Projects

Topic: The World Order of the Future: Values vs Technologies?

The world order is changing rapidly. In 30 years we have experienced the transition from a bipolar world to a unipolar one and we are moving towards the declared multipolarity now. However, analysts focus on economy, whereby ignoring the fact that the new world order is striving for a new bipolarity and is also developing on the grounds of values. It has always been the case. For instance, the West viewed its struggle against the USSR in terms of values, that is, as a fight against an atheistic country, and thus united its allies on the basis of traditional values, among other things. However, after its “victory”, the West started regarding traditional societies as backward and began to justify its claims to hegemony and progressiveness through extreme manifestation of features it considered as its advantages. Freedom has been replaced by ultra-freedom, humanism by transhumanism, emancipation by LGBTQ+ propaganda, etc.

And these are not mere statements. Family-destroying laws are being passed at the level of states and countries, transgenderism has entered the world of sports and turned into a multi-billion business. Certainly, those who oppose the ultra-liberalism of the West are heterogeneous. However, they are united by the concept of “traditional values”, the attitude to protect traditions in their diversity, rather than abandoning them. At the same time, reliance on tradition does not rule out technological advances. Thus, high-tech companies are now flagships of the national economies of all the BRICS countries, which, in the final analysis, is going to lead to a situation when the challenges associated with the development of technology will bring the need for raising new ethical issues both in the East and in the Global South, and international formats may be required to resolve them.
2024-03-27 10:53 Report