
Dugin Alexander: Eurasian Idea of An Empire of Flowering Complexity

Speaker: Dugin Alexander, PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Doctor of Political Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Director of the Educational and Scientific Center of the Ivan Ilyin Higher Political School, Russian State University for Humanities (RGGU)

Topic: Eurasian Idea of An Empire of Flowering Complexity

Those who believed in Eurasianism thought of themselves as political philosophers. They are laying the foundation for a future ideology that should prevail and win in Russia. Eurasianism is in great demand today as a political philosophy.

The Russian Idea and the Eurasian Idea are synonyms. Eurasianism is the Russian idea in its broadest and most complete sense. Therefore, one should not choose between the Eurasian Idea and the Russian Idea.

The thesis about “flowering complexity” by Konstantin Leontiev is best suited for the description of the system that is the core of Eurasianism. It is not a simplified nationalism, not a simplified liberalism, nor is it dogmatic Marxism, but rather the “flowering complexity” or “the Empire of flowering complexity” that is the essence of the political philosophy of Eurasianism.

Eurasians are the successors of the Slavophiles. They basically agreed on principle with Slavophiles on the point that the Russian civilization, that is, the Russian culture and the Russian state, represent a completely autonomous system that is not a part of the Western world, which is the main thesis of the Slavophiles, but is an independent civilization.

And from Danilevsky, Eurasians borrowed the main principle about the equality of cultural and historical types, that is, civilizations. This way of thinking, the context, the terms of “civilizations” in plural form, all these represent the principal idea of Trubetskoy in his basic manifesto. In general, this is the thrust of the political philosophy of Eurasianism as a whole. Today, we call this the “civilizational approach”.

The principle of “flowering complexity” applies to the world as well. Some examples are the “flowering complexity” inside Russia, a “flowering complexity” outside, a world of “flowering complexity”, a world of civilizations where we turn to both the West and the East, as well as to Africa, India, China, Latin America and the Islamic World. The “flowering complexity” of humanity is the crucial principle of the philosophy of Eurasianism.

The Russian Idea is necessary. Either it will be Eurasian, or it will fail.
2024-03-27 10:49 Report